i would think the best way is not u to use so many spirts i try to stay away form spirts in a trapper build for the most part there is a couple of good traps but ew and qz i stay far away from good one are winnowinf and aoe and such i like to use other means for laying traps down faster i use a ranger monk like its god lol (even though its not) i just like my ranger monk he has over 8 million exp in the past 20months i do uw alot and now wanting to get more into doa main reason not money but a certain mini pet found ina coffin of whispers mallix or whatever it is
i do 4 traps along 16 wilderness and 15 exp with that it lowers you cost of traps to 2 to 8 energy each and with having 50 energy its hard to run ou of energy long with serphants q it makes time to lay better yeah it is good sometimes to have one trapper for doa with qz and one with ew but it not a need 7 trappers witha mnk for back up emgercys but other then tht i feel trappers are a good way to take out larg groups of pull able enemys